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    8 Innovative Substitutes for Hip Thrusts Suitable for Every Level of Fitness

    To sculpt a stronger, more voluptuous backside, hip thrusts emerge as the prized choice for targeting glute muscles. This motion is particularly effective at directing work towards the gluteus maximus, the major muscle responsible for contouring your bottom and hips.

    The gluteus maximus isn’t merely aesthetic; it’s recognized as the most formidable muscle in the body. Enhancing its power can contribute to improved posture, heightened athletic prowess, and enhanced stability of joints, as documented by a 2019 study in the International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy.

    Incorporating hip thrusts into your fitness routine promises a shapely, elevated backside and bolstered muscular fortitude. If your goal is to expand your fitness repertoire, there is a plethora of hip thrust variations to include that persist in engaging the same muscle clusters.

    Fitness enthusiast and expert Ash Wilking, CPT, who is also an accredited coach and strength mentor for Tonal, notes, “The glutes are frequently acclaimed as the ‘engine room of the core.’ Through the inclusion of hip thrust variations in your regimen, you can augment lower body vigor, enhance the flexibility and solidity of the hips, reinforce core robustness, and even reduce discomfort in the lower back regions.”

    Wilking offers a collection of eight creative alternatives to the fundamental hip thrust that you can pepper into your leg training routine, guaranteeing an intense glute workout for fitness aficionados of any level, from beginners to well-practiced gym visitors. (Just a hint: These alternatives could also spice up your lower-body routines.)

    Understanding the Fundamentals of the Hip Thrust

    Prior to diving into sophisticated variations, mastering the elementary hip thrust form is essential. This exercise can be executed utilizing your own weight, or you might increase the intensity employing free weights such as dumbbells or a barbell.

    1. Find a bench or a different resilient elevated surface approximately knee-high.
    2. Position yourself on the ground with the upper section of your back leaning against the bench’s edge. Envision your shoulder blades as clasps anchoring you in place. Set your feet on the floor with your knees bent, aligning them at the width of your hips.
    3. With your seated position and hips low, your upper body should form an angle of 45 degrees with the earth.
    4. Lay your hands at the back of your cranium.
    5. Stiffen your abdominals to maintain a stable spine.
    6. Press your heels firmly to the ground and thrust your hips upwards. Aspire to achieve a linear alignment from your shoulders to your knees, ensuring your thighs make a perpendicular angle at the height of the action.
    7. Gently lower your hips back to the ground.
    8. Complete 3 to 4 rounds, undertaking 8 to 12 repetitions in each one.

    “The glutes are frequently heralded as the pillar of the core. Cultivating strength in this area with hip thrust variations can intensify lower body power, refine hip articulation and firmness, fortify the core muscles and alleviate lower spine discomfort.” —Ash Wilking, CPT




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