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    Avoid Shaming Yourself About Eating Patterns

    Credit: Unsplash
    Being harsh on yourself won’t lead to any solutions.

    One of my core beliefs regarding food is that it should be savored. Unique and delightful flavors should be encountered by all. However, the drawback of striving to relish all your meals is that you may not always consume food that is beneficial for you. Undeniably, indulging in sweets and fried delicacies is not beneficial to health, and if you aim to maintain a healthy lifestyle constantly, you must strive for it. Yet, solely consuming raw vegetables and protein substitutes to meet your nutritional needs can be quite dull.

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    You should consume food that brings you pleasure simply because it does so. If you have a penchant for raw vegetables and protein substitutes, that’s excellent, do what suits you best! Personally, I can’t resist chocolate. When I crave chocolate, I indulge in it. Unfortunately, many individuals have adopted the mindset that every delectable treat demands repentance. Eat a single cookie, and it’s as if your entire system is thrown off balance, leading you to either load up on healthy foods or compel yourself to exercise excessively to compensate. This behavior can pave the way for a binge and purge cycle, which is even more detrimental than the occasional indulgence in a brownie.

    Credit: Unsplash

    What you should do is heed your body, not your mind. When you have a craving, satisfy it. This approach will often lead to the craving dissipating. Unless there’s a legitimate medical reason to do so, excessively monitoring calorie intake serves no purpose other than needlessly punishing yourself for being human. Perhaps you’ll notice a slight weight gain, but rest assured that if your body requires a change, it will communicate with you. Food shouldn’t be a frivolous, fleeting aspect of life. Allow your meals to bring joy into your life.




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