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    Cause of the Failure Of Popular Weight Loss Eating Plans

    These diets are known by different titles – Atkins, Dukan, Keto, Paleo, Ultra-Low Fat– among others. Though they might assist in shedding pounds temporarily, many of these diet routines sideline proper nutrition, putting health at risk

    Let’s delve into some of the main reasons why these well-liked diets are ineffective.

    1. Difficulty in Sustaining these Diets

    Most in-demand diets today severely restrict calorie intake or eliminate food categories (carbs,
    fats, etc.). Following such a constrictive and unsatisfying diet for an extended period is challenging. Eventually, you will revert to your previous eating habits if you adhere to such diets. How long can you sustain a diet that leaves you discontented and dissatisfied?

    2. Temporary Weight Reduction

    While many individuals effectively shed weight within a few months of dieting, most are unsuccessful
    at maintaining that weight loss in the long term. This is because they miss their preferred foods and eventually resume their normal eating patterns. The strictness of the diet often results in overeating, causing them to regain the lost weight or even more.

    3. Deterioration in Nutrition

    When trendy diets insist on avoiding entire food categories, you are essentially depriving your body of important nutrients. This leads many individuals to lose weight at the expense of their strength, sleep, mood, digestive health, and skin and hair quality. When the pressure becomes too much to bear, individuals tend to give up and revert to their old habits and weight.

    4. Reduction in Physical Activity

    Poor nutrition can also result in decreased physical activities. When you are on a restrictive diet low in calories, you would subconsciously start skipping physical exercises. This could be due to the diet not providing you with enough energy to stay active. Consequently, you end up either reducing or completely stopping your workouts, regressing in fitness and gaining weight.

    5. Diminished Pleasure in Eating

    Let’s be honest! Good food is a source of joy and fulfillment. Unappetizing foods included in popular diet plans can make eating feel like a laborious task by stealing the joy and satisfaction derived from a meal. This significantly impacts one’s adherence to the diet over the long term.

    So, what are the alternatives…

    1. Embrace an Inclusive Food Strategy

    Instead of eliminating foods or food categories, opt for an all-embracing eating regimen. This involves prioritizing beneficial macronutrients (carbs, protein, fat), vitamins, and minerals in your meals. You don’t need to completely eliminate ‘unhealthy foods,’ rather just control the portions. This helps in managing cravings and facilitates long-term compliance with the diet. Simple strategies include choosing whole grains rich in fiber over refined grains. Incorporating healthy fat sources like nuts, seeds, and cold-pressed oils. Opting for natural sugars found in whole fruits and dried fruits. Restricting refined foods to a minimum.

    2. Enforce Portion Regulation

    Instead of banning carbohydrates or fats altogether, aim to consume from all food groups, but
    maintain a balance in portion sizes. For instance, include more portions of vegetables and fruits in your daily diet than refined carbohydrates.

    3. Practice Conscious Eating

    This is a beneficial technique that enables you to avoid overeating. This is feasible only when you follow an inclusive food approach. When no food is off-limits, it becomes much easier to prevent overindulgence because you know that you can have it whenever you desire.
    Conscious eating entails being in tune with all your senses. You are mindful of your
    satiety levels and recognize when you are full. This empowers you to choose and regulate what and
    how much you consume.

    4. Weight Loss Goes Beyond Food

    The most effective method for weight reduction is not solely through diet but in combination with physical
    activity, adequate sleep, and proper hydration. Physical exercise boosts the body’s capacity to burn calories, while 6-8 hours of continuous sleep enhances metabolism. Water maintains a healthy digestive system, ramps up metabolism, and flushes out toxins. Therefore, consistent adherence to these practices significantly contributes to achieving your weight loss objectives.

    To Summarize…

    Shedding weight may not be a simple task, but it does not have to be a nightmare either. Instead of blindly following the latest diet trends, consider what will be sustainable for you in the long run. Embrace a healthy dietary plan that you can uphold throughout your life and incorporate
    healthy lifestyle changes that align with your current routine. You are more likely to stick with a plan that you find joy in following.

    About today’s guest author…

    This article has been contributed by Khushali Shah of
    Khushali has grappled with weight management for most of her life. Having successfully shed over 25kgs
    in recent years, she has garnered valuable insights into weight loss and living healthily. She enjoys sharing scientifically proven advice and tips that have been effective for her journey.




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