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    Do Herbal Supplements Promote Wellness?

    Photo Credit: Inhabitat

    Throughout the globe and for centuries, herbal supplements have augmented our diets, medications, and overall health.

    Various societies have their distinct herbs or plant-based remedies for diverse illnesses, injuries, and physical conditions. Numerous of the modern medications we utilize today were originally extracted from these herbs and plants, and several are still in use. Given their “all-natural” plant-based nature, it’s commonly assumed that these herbal supplements and medications are beneficial for us and incapable of causing any harm. However, this assumption is far from accurate.

    While there exist numerous plant-based supplements and medications that can support our health objectives, it is equally crucial to comprehend these “natural remedies.” Individuals may react differently to varying drugs; some reactions may be adverse, and in severe cases, fatal.

    Highlighted below are several herbal supplements that necessitate caution:

    • St. John’s Wort is often used to alleviate depression, anxiety, and sleep disorders. Yet, it can induce adverse effects like headaches, nausea, and dry mouth. Additionally, it can interact harmfully with specific medications such as those for heart conditions, depression, and contraceptives.
    • Kava is another supplement believed to aid in anxiety and sleeplessness management. Nonetheless, it has the potential to cause significant harm to the liver and should be avoided by individuals with pre-existing liver or kidney issues. Kava can be particularly hazardous when combined with alcohol or other sedative drugs.
    • Ginkgo is renowned globally for enhancing memory and cognitive functions; however, it also acts as a blood thinner and can lead to serious complications like excessive bleeding, especially when taken alongside blood-thinning drugs.
    • Ginger. Yes, ginger. It is beneficial for alleviating nausea, arthritis, and other joint discomforts. However, it can also trigger complications such as blood clotting, heart irregularities, atypical blood pressure, and unstable blood sugar levels.

    These are merely a few of the herbal supplements that might be familiar to many. It underscores how common constituents of our diets can potentially cause harm rather than good.

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