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    Indicators of Shortages in Essential Vitamins

    Credit: Unsplash
    Responding to the alert is imperative when signs emerge.

    Imagine if the human body had the ability to speak; it would likely express a range of undesirable messages. Personally, mine would opt for a lengthy dialogue supplemented with visual aids. Luckily, we are spared from enduring our bodies shouting at us; nevertheless, our bodies are not entirely silent. When there is an issue within our bodies, peculiar and unpleasant symptoms often appear. Individually, they may appear as transient maladies that come and go naturally. However, if you repeatedly experience these issues, it may indicate a deficiency in a particular crucial vitamin.

    Let’s start with an effortless one: what is the shape of your fingernails? They should be circular, polished, and robust. But do you notice a dent in your nails? Are they arching upwards? This is recognized as “spoon-shaped nails” and is a common indication of insufficient iron.

    Your oral cavity can provide several indicators for various essential vitamins. Do you experience tender, bleeding gums? It could signify a scarcity of vitamins C and K. Are you susceptible to painful mouth ulcers? Your body requires increased intake of B vitamins. Is your sense of taste somewhat dulled? Enhancing your diet with vitamin B12, zinc, and folic acid may help reinvigorate your sense of taste.

    Credit: Unsplash

    Lastly, your bones and muscles can unveil quite telling signs. Do you feel tenderness and sensitivity in the bones of your limbs even when at rest? This could be indicative of a deficiency in vitamin D. Are the muscles in your legs and calves susceptible to cramps? You may require an intake of the “four ums”: calcium, sodium, magnesium, and potassium.

    Although your body lacks a literal mouth (well, technically it has one, but not a separate vocal one), it is imperative that you do not turn a deaf ear to its signals. When your body commences its dialogue, heed the messages.




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