Protein serves as the foundation of your body. No foundation, no body.
Your entire body, along with virtually everything inside it, consists of proteins. Your flesh, if we may use a less graphic term, is essentially protein in its raw form, shaping into muscles, bones, and skin. This is why meat is so rich in protein, as it predominantly comprises this essential component. You are probably aware of the significance of protein for physical activity, but is it still necessary if you aren’t very active? Absolutely. It remains crucial, even more so.
Have you ever considered how many cells your body regenerates and replaces regularly? A substantial number. Far beyond what we can accurately quantify. These cells don’t just appear out of thin air; they are constructed from the pool of proteins and amino acids present in your body. If you lack sufficient protein, your body will struggle to generate cells at the required pace, leading to a serious impediment in the performance of vital bodily functions.
For instance, when you sustain a cut on your finger, it may bleed for a brief period before eventually clotting and forming a scab. This process is facilitated by your platelets, utilizing red and white blood cells to initiate a clotting response. Insufficient protein intake translates to a decreased production of platelets and blood cells, resulting in prolonged bleeding and delayed wound healing.
If you have a protein deficiency, your extremities may also weaken. During physical exercise, when muscle fibers are torn, it is protein that aids in their repair, thereby enhancing their size and strength. Without adequate protein, your body will struggle to repair the muscle damage accumulated daily, leaving your arms and legs feeble and less resilient.
These are just a couple of instances, underscoring the critical role of clean protein in enabling your body and its cells to fulfil their functions. Deprivation of protein amounts to depriving yourself of well-being and development.