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    Mistakes to Avoid During Lunge Pose

    There exist a few postures—or “asanas”—that are indispensable to a proper yoga session. Notable ones include child’s pose, cat-cow, and (naturally) downward dog, but lunges also play a vital role in any yoga routine. In the latest installment of The Right Way, Pilin Anice, a yoga teacher and MIRROR coach, demonstrates the correct technique for executing a high lunge pose (or “ashta chandrasana,” which translates to crescent high lunge pose), ensuring that your yoga base is solid.

    The lunge pose puts your entire body to the test, with a primary focus on your lower limbs. Anice explains, “High lunge pose is fantastic for fortifying your lower body. We are enhancing the strength and endurance of our quadriceps, hamstrings, and hip flexors. When done properly, it’s a very dynamic pose.”

    However, executing ashta chandrasana involves several intricate movements, and performing it incorrectly can lead to tension and discomfort in your body (which is definitely not the desired outcome). Anice points out three recurring mistakes in lunge poses, so let’s see if any of them resonate with you, shall we?

    Common Error: Excessive Forward Lean

    Anice often observes individuals leaning excessively forward in their lunge. This disrupts your body’s equilibrium, causing the front leg to bear most of the weight. Strive to engage both legs equally. Adjust the width of your feet until you feel stable, then take a moment to find the sweet spot where your weight is evenly distributed between the front and back feet.

    Common Error: Pelvic Tilt

    “The second prevalent mistake is an improperly tilted pelvis, either forward or backward, resulting in strain on the lower back,” notes Anice. Rather than allowing your pelvis to tilt, activate your core to safeguard your spine. Placing your hands directly on your hip points can assist in guiding them towards a more neutral alignment. Yes, I understand: The pose just became more challenging.

    Common Error: Shoulder Elevation

    Lastly, Anice frequently witnesses individuals raising their shoulders excessively, making it seem like “they are wearing their shoulders as earrings” when they extend their arms overhead. This action compresses the neck and shoulders, adding unnecessary tension to an area of your body already impacted by text neck. Lower your shoulders and retract your shoulder blades, akin to wings, to release the strain from your neck.

    Be sure to watch the entire video to evaluate your performance in ashta chandrasana before transitioning seamlessly into your flow.




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