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    Need a Motivation to Reduce Your Alcohol Intake?

    Courtesy: Unsplash
    Aside from the apparent reason.

    The consumption of alcoholic beverages has increased in the United States over the past year and, well, the reason is quite obvious. Having a glass of wine occasionally won’t harm you, and actually, in moderation, a bit of wine is beneficial for your heart. However, the issue we commonly face is with the concept of “moderation.”

    Clearly, excessive drinking is detrimental to your health. It can damage your liver, your stomach, lead to unpleasant odors, and cause various other well-known consequences. But here’s a lesser-known effect: overindulging in alcohol can result in more frequent episodes of acid reflux. When you consume alcohol, the lower part of your esophagus that links to the stomach relaxes, allowing stomach acid to flow upwards and trigger that unpleasant burning sensation.

    Courtesy: Unsplash

    Regularly experiencing heartburn is already distressing, but subjecting yourself to it repeatedly can lead to long-term complications. Individuals with persistent, untreated acid reflux can develop Barrett’s esophagus, a damaged passage between the esophagus and stomach. According to the American Cancer Society, having Barrett’s esophagus increases the risk of developing throat or stomach cancer in later life. It may not happen immediately, but it is a definite risk factor.

    Therefore, whether you’re socializing with friends or seeking a brief escape, remember to control your alcohol intake. Unless you want to endure a burning esophagus for the foreseeable future, or worse.

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