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    Switch Off Your Mind Occasionally

    Credit: Unsplash
    Pause from the anticipated and concentrate on the present.

    When faced with a particularly busy day, your inner dialogue can persist for hours.

    “I have to complete this, then move on to that, next tackle the other thing, in addition to possibly running out of time for this task, and then-”

    It becomes truly draining, doesn’t it? While a well-structured timetable might aid in maintaining consistency, it’s crucial for that schedule to include some downtime for your brain.

    Occasionally, it’s necessary to switch off your mind, even if just for a few minutes or perhaps a couple of hours. Cease pondering over all the tasks awaiting completion today, tomorrow, and beyond, and simply be present in the moment. Mediation stands out as the most effective method to achieve this. Meditation helps in quieting intrusive thoughts and guiding oneself towards a state of tranquility. Nonetheless, not everyone finds ease in meditating; it certainly demands practice, which can be as bothersome as the thoughts you intend to silence.

    Credit: Unsplash

    There exists an alternative: diversion. Have you ever heard people express their ability to “switch off their brains and enjoy” some particular movies? That’s your solution. Engage in a movie or music and just immerse yourself for a brief moment. It’s not even necessary to focus intently on the content you choose, simply lose yourself in the melodies. Personally, I find solace in watching old monochrome B-movies when seeking dissociation for a while. I appreciate the nostalgic quality of film grain.

    Irrespective of the approach you adopt, the key point is that your mind requires some time throughout the day to align its figurative ducks, similar to a computer that’s been operational all day and is powered down at night. Afford your mind a break, then return to everything else rejuvenated and prepared.




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