Should you have ever taken a lengthy stroll with a companion or while enjoying a stimulating podcast, you are aware that the miles can pass by swiftly. Upon returning home, your physique may feel exerted in surprising areas. Walking is commonly viewed as an excellent workout for the buttocks, thighs, and pelvic area—but as noted by walking expert and ACE-certified instructor Michele Stanten, walking also targets a variety of lesser-known muscle groups.
While walking might now seem as effortless as breathing for you, keep in mind: There was a period when you were completely clueless about how to perform it. The motion pattern is actually quite intricate and necessitates more muscle involvement than you may realize. Each step consists of two small cycles: the “stance” and the “swing,” as explained by American Bone Health, an organization dedicated to Osteoporosis Education and Awareness.
During the stance phase of walking, your heel contacts the ground, your entire foot makes contact, the weight shifts to the ball of the foot, and your big toe begins driving you off the ground. The swing phase then advances the movement of the heel forward before assisting you in placing your heel down carefully for the subsequent stride.
Throughout the gait cycle, numerous muscles in your legs are actively engaged—not just the most obvious ones. Stanten remarks, “Most people perceive walking as primarily a lower body, leg workout. Without a doubt, you are indeed exercising your leg muscles—your quadriceps, hamstrings, calf muscles, and buttocks,” she states. Despite that, your stride involves more than just your legs. In fact, by paying a bit of attention to each step, you will realize that walking is a comprehensive full-body exercise.
Here, Stanten identifies the three uncommon muscle groups that you activate during your post-lunch amble around your local area. Additionally, find out how to give them some extra love now that you are aware they are assisting you mile after mile.
3 peculiar muscle groups worked during a walk
1. The front tibialis
This muscle traverses the exterior of your tibia or shin bone. Explaining, Stanten says, “When we are strolling at our usual speed and not pushing ourselves, most of the time we do not even sense that muscle. However, when you begin to increase your pace, walkers commonly start to notice [the front tibialis], and they experience that burning feeling.”
Following a prolonged and demanding walk, the front tibialis is likely to feel fatigued, a sensation that is easily mistaken for shin splints. “This muscle is in charge of pulling your toes upwards. Hence, as you swing your leg forward and land on your heel, your toes are elevated, and that shin muscle is functioning. The quicker you walk, the more steps you take, and the harder it works,” Stanten explains.
2. Core muscles
While walking, your midsection must keep your body upright—and this necessitates considerable muscle activation. According to Stanten, the muscles of the back and pelvis, such as the spinal stabilizers, erector spinae, multifidus, and quadratus lumborum (QL), are strenuously utilized during your walk.
“These [muscles] are essentially providing support for your body,” she describes. “As you pick up the pace during your walk, a small sway in the hips comes into play. So there is some rotation involved in walking. Consequently, the core muscles are also operating in this capacity.” Therefore, you can focus a bit more on engaging your core as you progress forward (especially if you encounter a steep incline or are bracing yourself for a descent).
3. The upper back musculature
Stanten underscores the significance of involving your arms in your movement while walking. By flexing them at a 90-degree angle to help propel your body forward, you are activating the muscles in your upper back (comprising the rhomboids behind the scapula). “If you are bending your arms, swinging them, and pushing your elbows backward, you definitely begin to work these muscles. A powerful arm swing can really boost your walk,” she affirms.
A purposeful arm swing will strengthen your back muscles—albeit maybe leaving them a tad weary. Hence, feel free to incorporate a more pronounced arm swing into your walking routine to experience the effects.